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An open letter to Mahendra Singh Dhoni

I remember the day when you walked in to bat for the first time. Back then, you were more…

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Family is more than blood!

I could hardly remember any couple visiting our Institution lately. In fact, it ha…

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An air of complacency

How often do we find ourselves in a situation wherein we vac…

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An abominable class

It was 7 o'clock in the morning when he walked down the stairs from his…

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Anger Management course – A boon or a bane

The other day when I was strolling around the busy streets of my hometown, I saw s…

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A journey I wish not to remember

She opened the bag and took out all the toys She was ecstatic before as visible…

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The unparalleled gift

I remember the day when my father brought a new bicycle as a pre…

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