The other day when I was strolling around the busy streets of my hometown, I saw some flyers concerning ‘Anger Management’ course adhered well against the walls of few houses located in the vicinity of my house. At first, I was taken aback by their number as they were present everywhere, and second, I was perplexed to see at such an exorbitant fee the very course was being offered! Anyway, course-fee is not something I am keen to mull over and discuss. I am here to shed some light on whether it is really worthwhile to join any such course?

   However, before validating its credibility, what’s paramount for us is to know the root cause of what makes us angry and how it begets within us. There are many things that make us angry. However, the most common ones are - Our nature, work-pressure and responsibility.

   In this beautiful and wholesome world, there are still many people who are infected by the incorrigible malaise of getting angry from their birth itself. These people are bound to get furious - at one moment or another. They don't need any particular instance to showcase their anger as it is so spontaneous for them. And the irony of living with such people is that - the recipient tend to either forget their anger or ignore their reactions, though knowing these reactions can be vicious too.

   Coming to the second member of the list, there is a famous proverb - 'An idle brain is the devil's workshop' I could think of. It is so true, yet pressurizing our brain to an extent at which it becomes intolerable to cope up certainly opens the floodgate, a gate for the other devil's workshop i.e. anger. And the kind of busy life we are living and cut-throat competitions we are going through nowadays, it is so obvious to the naked eye to see and consider workplace as the father of the real monster i.e. anger within many of us.

   You may escape from the world, but you can't run away from your responsibilities - there is nothing that can describe the third member in the list better than this. Yes, it's damn true! The moment you think to get out of one such, the other gets ready to climb up on your shoulder. What you don’t know is that it’s a labyrinth of a plethora of responsibilities. You just can't get out of it! Saying that, stepping up to the plate is a good thing; I am not denying it either, but sometimes, while trying to get done with your responsibility hastily, just because being human and bound to get agitated, the splash of anger strikes your mind - how seldom it may be, but it does. And the worst thing is - during this phase, you, instead being caretaker, become the troublemaker for the recipient.

   Now, after discussing the root cause of the very illness, let's come back to the crux of writing this article - whether joining ‘Anger Management’ course is the remedy for finding ourselves out of the shackles of anger forever? To answer that, I would just say - How bad the product may be, but if its marketing and propaganda is done really well, it gets sold out quite easily. And the kind of digital world we are living in today, it's a cakewalk for the people running such businesses. Yes, you heard me right! But that said, I am not saying that every such course is futile. But, I would prefer to go with the majority, and how unfortunate it may sound, but the majority corroborates that these courses are not as effective as what we expect from them.

   At this point in time, you may not believe me. And you have every reason not to. But what I said above is based on the experience - not of my own, but of my kith and kin. These courses are not just waste of your money, but they are waste of your time too. Instead, you could focus on meditation and yoga to alleviate your anger. They might be the things of yore, but these remedies truly work! And again, I am saying it based on my experience. A few of my friends and colleagues have witnessed the real benefits coming out of them. And if these things can work for them, then they will surely work for you too. Believe that!

   But at the end of the day, the choice is yours, the onus is on you and to decide whether such courses are worthy of your time is totally up to you. Meanwhile, let these money-oriented people stick more flyers around the remaining walls of houses in my locality. I know what I need to do. Like what I did and what I am doing now, I would continue to ignore them and try to make naïve people wary of the deception hiding behind the façade of such courses. And I hope one fine day, I would succeed in seeing many of you standing by my side. For me, that would be the real moment of pride and triumph. Till then, let the struggle continue – a struggle without anger!
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