It was 7 o'clock in the morning when he walked down the stairs from his room but straight into the kitchen. It was a bit odd and totally against his habit as he used to get ready for the college first. But, the moment of exigency made him rush into the kitchen with those unkempt hairs and wrinkled clothes as he couldn't hold anymore what was going through his mind from last night. He was expecting her to be there, and quite rightly so, as she was making him his favourite breakfast. He stood right beside her while she was garnishing his plate. The words were about to spill out from his mouth, yet they didn’t. His whole body was sweating from top to bottom too. However, being occupied with so many unfinished tasks, she didn't notice the occurrences of all these strange things that were happening to him, and instead, she smirked at him, kept the very plate in front of him and moved aside to do her other daily chores.

            Meanwhile, he was gazing at her, noticing how she was jumping from one corner of the kitchen to the other and trying to figure out the apt time to tell her what was killing him from within. However, the very anxiety that was smothering him for a long time made him not to have a bite as he was just playing with the food. The thought of divulging the fact to his mother and trying to envisage what her response would be sent shivers down his spine. For him, it was one of those tough moments when he could falter and break down at any point of time if not handled with due care. And yet, he gathered all the courage in the world to let her meet with the verity. He said,” Mother, do you have a minute as I have to tell you something very important?”

         The stammer in his voice made her look at him in doubt. She turned around a bit, looked at him from the corner of her eye and asked him whether he was all right - a question to which he answered, “Yes, I am ... fine.” However, the hesitancy in his voice and more stammers took her anxiety to zenith this time. She even noticed the sweating that he was drowning under. She dropped the soiled dishes into the basin as they were and rushed towards him. With one hand over his shoulder to calm him down a bit and other over the dining table, she sat in the chair with a heavy heart.

        She pulled a corner of her saree high up till his head and started rubbing it gently till every ounce of sweat was removed from over his forehead. She later hurried towards the fridge, took out a water bottle, poured some water into the glass and came back towards him. While patting his back gently from upside down, she said, “Son, have it. You seem to be enervated totally.” It was one of those instances of caring words and a true illustration of the love and affection of a mother for her child that calmed his pounding heart for a moment. But finally, when he drank the whole glass of water, she asked him, “What is something that you want to tell me and made you so feeble son?”

       He dropped his eyes down as if he was shameful of what he did or what he was about to tell her. He was whimpering from within as the tears started rolling down his cheeks on to her thighs. She started wiping his eyes with her saree and pulled his head over her shoulder sidewise. She said,” Son, you can tell me everything. I am here for you. Just be brave! “And it was those very words of assurance of his mother that made him believe that he could count on her and get the truth off his chest now! He said, “Mother, what I am about to tell may embarrass you. It might make you feel ashamed of me and you may wish I am dea...” And before he could finish the very line, she hastily put her hand over his mouth and said, “Son, don't you ever say like that again. You know you are the world to me.” She cuddled him and started caressing and ruffling through his hairs. Finally, slowly he pulled himself back, tenderly lowered her hand and kept it over her chest.

    "Mother, it happened around a year back when I realized for the time that - I am GAY. And from that day itself, I was looking for a moment to tell you; however, I was never able to gather so much courage!" "Seeing the dismal position of all people like me in India and the way they being treated in the society, I kept the very truth to myself, sealed within the vaults of my heart. But from last few days, the pain has become unbearable. The very heart was pounding with compunction for not telling you. And it was only last night when I decided and made my mind to divulge it to you. Now I am not sure whether you and father will accept me for being who truly I am or throw me mid-air, but at least, I won't have any tinge of regret left within me and can die without any remorse for being honest with my parents.” And just like that, he revealed the whole story to his mother in one go.

    The mother was quite astonished and taken aback. And in a sense of which, her hands unknowingly dropped dead from her chest on to the empty glass, crashing it on to the floor.

    But after all, she was a mother! How could she on earth toss him up in the air and leave uncared, and that too when he required her the most. This time, she deliberately pulled her hands over his shoulder and gave him a cuddle. And it was that particular cuddle that made him feel safe for a while. But, as soon as the moment of cuddling was over, she asked him, "Why didn't you tell us before? How were you able to keep that secret to yourself? And why did you think that we wouldn't have supported you?"

    However, the good thing about all those rhetorical questions was - they were alluding as if, instead of being perplexed and angry, she was unhappy, and that too for not being enlightened with the truth before. Yet, being a mother, she forgot everything and erased all the traces of bad feelings. She then started caressing his cheeks and in between said something unimagined. She said, "Son, being gay is not a crime, and it is certainly not that something to be ashamed of." "Like every other human being, even you have every right to express what you feel and desire. Like every other human being, even you have every right to live your life to the fullest. Maybe, a part of society or your friends and colleagues won't accept you, but that doesn't mean no one else will. Like us, there are many, who are ready to accept who you truly are. And remember son, even if everyone on this planet starts alienating themselves from you, we - your parents - will always be there to support you till our last breath. So, just go out there and enjoy the day."

    Those were the words that truly gratified him, and in a response to which he said, "Mother, I can't express what I am feeling right now. Your acceptance is all I need. That is what matters to me above all.” But, before he could wipe out all those tears in his eyes, he finally expressed his urge. He said, "Like you, if every other parent starts accepting their son for being who they truly are, we won't have to care about what the society thinks about us anymore. And I hope one fine day, the whole world will behave with us as normal as they do with others."

    And as soon as he expressed his yearning, he hurried upstairs, and after a period or so, came back with his college bag by walking down the stairs again - but this time, with a bit more confidence. He kissed his mother over her forehead and left the house happily. However, before he could start his bike engine, he uttered, "Mother, I promise that I will return in the evening with the same smile that I am leaving with now!", and as a response to which, along with waving her hand, she even greeted him with a beautiful smile. And finally, when he got disappeared into one of those alleys, she hurried inside for finishing her pending chores.

-- THE END --