How often do we find ourselves in a situation wherein we vacillate between whether to give it a try or let it go? How often do we find ourselves wading through the mud of complexities confounding enough whether to look for a solution or let the situation get better off us and look for an excuse instead?

                I bet we do find ourselves more often in such quandaries - day in, day out. But what is something that begets such doubts in our mind first? Is it our feeble confidence and diffident attitude that coerce us to give up easily? Or, is it our parochial mindset of how we see things in real life and take them for granted and hope against the hope that it would be a cake-walk journey? Or, is there something else that is within our control and yet we decide not to let it go off our mind? There may be many instances of happening such because of the first two, but there is certainly this third entity that also gives rise to a handful number of instances wherein we decide to give up as easily as we can and as early as possible. And it is this very thing that we find ourselves mostly surrounded with; it is this very polluted air that we inhale and exhale every day. In the polite term, it is called - 'An air of complacency!'

                But, how would one determine whether one is contented with what one has, and he or she no longer needs to thrive for more? How would one determine whether the purpose of one's existence has been fully served? For most of us, these are not just questions, but these are predicaments too - as finding a solution for such is as good as looking for a needle in a haystack! For many of us, these are the predicaments in which the root of most of all, if not all, uncertainties lies.

               It may sound cliché, but the fact is - there is a thin line between 'being happy' and 'being complacent', making it so difficult for one to fathom and act accordingly. And, to add insult to injury, the more we ponder over the dilemma, the more we get entangled in the very labyrinth. Finally, in the name of achieving ever-lasting happiness, we either opt to truncate a few unattended ones from our wish-list or, worse than that, decide to smother them all!

             So, how to tackle such an eerie situation? At one point in life, should we accept that what we have got is more than enough and stop pushing ourselves? Or, should we make ourselves believe that, though being happy, the sky is the limit? Though being content, there are still many undiscovered horizons to lay eyes on? If you ask me, I would always prefer the latter. However, that doesn't' mean I am not happy. The almighty God has already blessed me with most of the things that I could wish for. But that doesn't stop me from aspiring more. Without any more longing, the purpose of no one's life can be fully served. Without any more yearn, one can never stumble upon one's unassessed caliber. This is an untimed race we are talking about, the one for which we have to keep walking down an endless not-so-smooth road till our last breath, as only our last breath is something which can put brakes on to so-called a mystifying race!

-- THE END --