As a human being, there is one thing we have inherited from our ancestors quite effortlessly. Today, we call it ‘Psychology’. Maybe, our ancestors weren’t aware of the same term, but they did have embraced it and probably had it inherited from their ancestors as well. Even they knew it’s one’s mindset that determines one’s actions, and it’s one’s very actions that reflect one’s mindset. And undoubtedly, just like us, our forefathers too had experienced its effects. Then what is it that differentiates our psychology from that of our forebears?

No doubt, the evolution of technology and the usage of the pragmatic approach to a great extent have helped scientists study human mindset profoundly and made the seemingly cumbersome journey a bit less hectic. But, does that mean it happened to be child’s play for them? Sorry, but I don’t have any intention to take away any credit from them. Yes, it was a bit less hectic but wasn’t smooth at all. And it would be utterly wrong to assume their task is over. There are still many unknowns lying somewhere and yet to be deciphered. To everyone’s surprise, human psychology is still quite mystified to many great scientists, and it’s still enticing them to unfurl the mysteries associated with it.

Well, we aren’t here to discuss any such unknowns, are we? We are here to discuss the very ‘Human Psychology’ itself. As we all know, there are two types of ‘Human Psychology’ - a 'Good' one and a ‘Bad’ one. A good psychology is the one only a handful number of people have, or perhaps, many of us hold it, but our strange demeanour and weird actions force others not to think so, and it’s something I am not interested in to discuss at this time. It’s the bad psychology, an epidemic most of us already plagued with, quivers me the most and something I am keen to mull over here.

Yes, it’s hard to believe that many of us are already defiled with bad psychology. But it’s the fact; a bitter one perhaps, and something which we can’t rule out. In fact, it's highly likely that your own psychology has exhorted you not to digest it. And if you think you have already witnessed any such urge before and still haven't been able to get over it, mind you, it’s time for you to do the needful, and that too soon before it’s too late.

Confused! Baffled! Not sure what do I mean by ‘Bad’ psychology! Then I think it’s time for me to clear the air, and rather than banging your heads against the wall, it’s time for all of us to gather our minds and try to understand what I am trying to imply here.

When I say ‘Bad’ psychology, I mean our wrong, derailed mindset to relate everything that is happening currently with our past. No doubt, the next question that is hovering inside your brain is – How the very relation between our past and present makes our psychology look bad, and that too what if our past was as glorious as it was never before. Then, in that case, will our mindset look miserable too? Sorry to say, but my answer remains the same, and that is – ‘Yes’.

At this time, you may tend to question my psychology. And rightly so. But, there is a rationale behind whatever I had said earlier. And I am sure once you hear it out from me, you will find the reasoning quite convincing. As a human being, getting happy about one’s own achievements (and that too after putting so much effort) is quite obvious. Also, there is no harm in celebrating them and letting the world know about them either. But, for me, that’s when the budding problem starts evolving. No doubt, these accomplishments and their loud celebrations bring happiness, but many a time, they bring complacency too. And to top that all, it's this very complacency that replaces one's self-righteousness with egotism; it's this very complacency that gives one freedom enough to brag about the glory of the past and never let one come to the world of reality back from one's daydream. In short, it’s the virtue of one’s illustrious past that sows the seeds of complacency within us, the roots of which slowly start spreading across our minds, entangle our thought-process and finally, strangle our healthy mindset."

Do you still need proof? Then, I am glad that you asked for it. But to see it, you need to look around. Yes, they are quite alive and breathe just like us! Yes, I am talking about those people whom you see day in, day out around you. Yes, I am talking about those people whom you deal with every day. If you ask me, I would say many of them truly corroborate what I had said earlier. It saddens me the most when I see how their past has derailed them from making their present look even more glorious. Sorry to say, but if these same people want to blame anyone, then it should be none but themselves. And the sole reason behind their derailment is the very complacency and over-confidence that came along with their glorious past. What I am trying to convey here is – one’s moments of the past that gave one the very reason to be complacent shouldn’t ruin one’s present; and in a true sense, they shouldn’t stifle one’s future.

Also, when we talk about one's past, how can we exclude the wistful moments from our discussion. Just like the heydeys, in case, if one has witnessed any mournful moments, then it shouldn’t halt one from making any tangible efforts to turn one’s mournful past into a sublime present either. 

Remember, whatever happened, happened. Let your bygones be bygones. And, rather than wandering in the maze of your happy or wistful past moments, try to live in your present and embrace whatever comes to you with open arms. 

Ultimately, the choice is yours. And it’s up to you, whether you want to be the doer of your own would-be glorious present, or you want to dance to the tunes set by your own bad psychology and be a slave to it forever. If you take my advice, I would suggest you flip your mindset, and then, see how the magic happens. In no time, you will see its effect, not just in your thinking but in your attitude as well. In no time, you will see a new you who always carry the mindset of reigning the present and at the same time, never allow any past moments ruin it either. 

-- THE END --