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         4th Nov. 2015, the day I can’t forget (even if I try to, I won’t be). By the way, I am not saying it just because it has something to do with some kind of extraordinary thing I did, or something miraculous had happened on that day. I am saying it because it had something to do with a gust of sudden change in the way of living that I thought I would be experiencing in an entirely new locality, to be precise, in a new city.

It was the day when I got shifted to Pune.

Wait!!! Are you thinking that I am going to complain about this very city? Are you thinking I am going to have a list of things to rebuke this city so severely that it may even tempt you to vacate it? Then, let me correct you. I don’t have any such intention. I mean, I could have, if I had anything to prove it and more importantly, something which could add up to prove the same. But, it has been just a few days I came to this city, and it would wrong to make any kind of such presumption based on a stay of only a handful number of days. And to be honest, the kind of things that I already came to know about Pune from my friends (currently staying in Pune from last one year or so), it would hardly corroborate any such presumption.

Then, in that case, what could it be? I mean, what could be the possible reason to say - the day still holds some meaning to me to not let it dwindle from my memories?

I know you are right now quite bamboozled and eager at the same time to know the possible reason. But, I guess, I have already informed it, and I think I was pretty much clear while answering it in my last article “Hyderabad: the real cynosure of India”; or is it the case you haven’t read it yet?

Are you saying “Yes”? Then brace your ears as I am going to succinct the whole article once again, which by the way pretty much sounds like - If anyone wants to live in the best city in India, then there is no other better place than Hyderabad (which is already proven by myriad surveys conducted, and a thing which I experienced by myself).

Now, you know what Hyderabad means to me and how difficult it was for me leaving the city. I know, it was one of the most unfortunate things that had happened to me, but still I count the day, 4th Nov. 2015, as an important one; I still consider the very day as an auspicious one.

 Perplexed!!! Confused!!! I mean, how on holy earth, leaving Hyderabad sounds propitious then! Or has leaving Hyderabad made me paranoid and insane! Then, I guess, it’s time to clear all your doubts; I suppose, it’s time to jump onto the intent of writing this very article rather than beating around the bush.

I have this bad habit to search quotes everyday perennially in a hope of finding optimism. In fact, I am so addicted to it that I couldn’t resist myself from doing the same even the night before I had to take off to Pune. Somehow, I managed to steal an iota of time from packing my luggage bags and go online (FB) to ransack optimistic quotes. And there they were.

I stumbled upon few quotes like “Sometimes the hardest part isn’t letting go, but rather learning to start over – Nicole Sobon”, “If you love something, you have to let it go. - Unknown”, “Life moves on and so should we – Spencer Johnson”.

You know, when I started reading quotes like these, I thought they were only for namesake. I had a mindset “On the front they look quite attractive to the eyes and soothing to ears, but they are not purpose-driven”, “And rationally, they don’t hold any existential value”. 

But, I was so wrong. On 4th Nov. 2015, during in between times of packing my luggage bags whenever I got a chance to glance over quotes (other than the earlier mentioned ones), only above quotes were reverberating in my ears, and I felt as if they were just for me. I started to acknowledge their realistic presence. I started to realize why they say “Change is the only constant and no one gets the respite from it.”  

After an affair of 4 years with Hyderabad, I thought the time aptly demanded me to embrace the change and get acquainted with it. I thought it was the time for me to acknowledge the fact that “Change is good” and why I need to cuddle it happily. And it’s not just me. Everyone, throughout his or her lifetime, at least once, has to face it; and if anyone truly wants to step forward in life, he or she better needs to move along and imbibe the change gifted by the life, and that too without complaining.

      I guess it’s time to tell myself – “Move on”. It’s time to end this article and better come up with a change, something new and fresh, in the next article (which I will do by the way) before this article becomes monotonous.

-- THE END --