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When it comes to charity, a large volume of people has that one big misconception where they tend to lean themselves onto the walls of thinking of it being well served only when it is done by means of money.

Misconception!!! Yes, you heard me right. They presume that “Greed (Money)” and “Altruism”, the two extreme poles of human nature, can only be abridged by the nexus ‘Charity’ - a false belief which is quite deep-rooted and widespread all over the world.

But, if you look closely, it’s not their fault. It’s how they are. It’s basically how we all human beings are by default. However, the problem lies where many of us haven’t thought to rise above it, and unfortunately, only a few of us have indeed dared to go against the cliché and develop a heresy which truly justifies the real definition of ‘Charity’.

Now, here is the main question. How is the definition of ‘charity’ invented by a score of people is different from that cultured by rest of all? Then, let me take pride in answering it on behalf of those few; and what else can be the best way to answer it than with an epitome. So, here I go…

Just the other day, when I was strolling back from my office to home, I saw a man, roughly of age 35, standing well above 6 feet, styled beautifully in rich and expensive garments having his black coat rolled over his right shoulder and a Rolex watch nicely wrapped over his left hand, sitting in the wide chair kept just beside the narrow street passing through the canopy of green leaves. Thanks to his cognizance, he had parked his Audi A3 in the corner just to let others go to and fro freely. 

However, his countenance wasn’t quite aligned with his attire. He was looking intensely pale and totally dejected. I thought to stop by and ask him the exact reason, but that’s when I saw the other middle-class tatterdemalion guy approaching him from the other side of the street to commiserate him. I decided to stop myself there itself and let the time do the talking. To my surprise, after a moment or so, what I saw had made me spellbound. I saw a smile on that rich man’s face and his paleness fading away.

You may be wondering what that common man had possibly said to him to let his misery go away. But at that moment, I wasn’t in a mood to know the possible reason. In fact, I was quite happy to savour a lost smile brought back on his face, especially by a middle-class guy. 

You may consider it humanity, but I define it as ‘charity’, though an ironic one, but yes… it’s nothing but a charity - A charity that is done by heart, but not with money.

What I mean to say is that, if you can put a misery of a needy person away just by money, it’s good. But, the harsh truth is - everything in this very world can’t be brought back to its original form just with money, whether it is a broken glass or a broken person; and even if someone is able to, such charity remains ephemeral. Sometimes, we need to go beyond the walls built with bricks of money where recuperating persons like these can only be done via love, affection, caring or something which is very close to heart. What we really need is a true charity that is bound to heart where it is capable enough to let its impressions and effects last forever.                                   

                                                  -- THE END --