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        “You have come to a long way son, then why are you thinking to give up now?”. This was the question my father asked me today in the morning when we both were sitting on the balcony, sipping our favorite cappuccino coffee and thinking to vanquish over today’s our common enemy i.e. “Sudoku”.

But today, it was somewhat different. Today, he didn’t want to solve it. In fact, not at all.

Today, he just wanted to notice how I would go with it as it was of difficulty level 5. However, he was consistently following my approach, inconspicuously appreciating my intent and meticulously trying to figure out my next probable move.

To my surprise, even though I was getting restless since I wasn’t able to move ahead with the puzzle, I liked the way my father asked me that question. The best presumption that I could possibly make from his tone was, maybe, he liked both – my intent and approach.

“But father, it’s of difficulty level 5; I won’t be able to solve it as I am not able to pick out my next move”, that was the only explanation I could possibly give to my father.

To that answer, he simply replied  – “Son, to be successful in one’s life where difficulty level of many puzzles, adversities, hindrances can be far above just 5, merely having the intent and approach is not enough.” He paused for a second and again continued - “If you really intend to get what you want in your life, you need to be persistent as well.”

 And that’s where I got to know why every other person in our society used to respect my father; why every other person in our society used to appreciate the persistence my father had shown in the past for transforming himself from being a son of a poor peasant into a reputed businessman, at least in our countryside.

And that’s where I came to know that – ‘Finally, it’s all about being persistent. It’s all about being persistent with your intent and approach.’

The moment his words passed through my ears, my intent and approach literally got fresh wings. Now, after a persistent effort of few more minutes, my intent and approach started to show few auspicious signs and fly in a right direction where the point at which I got stuck earlier, I was able to figure out a few of my seemingly correct moves.  

Thanks to my father’s those precise words, today, I was able to solve this riddle. But, it wasn’t just to this riddle I need persistent to be.

As my father wisely said, “The difficulty level of many riddles in real life can get far above just 5.” and for that, even if situation demands and asks me to be persistent throughout my life, I would be more than just happy, as I know that - persistence is the only thing which can lead me to meet my intent. 

-- THE END --