It all started way back when I just completed my training at Mysore campus. For the matter of fact, I was quite dejected while leaving the campus and it really became painful for me while dragging my luggage bags out of the campus. The truth is - I was totally mesmerized by its beauty. Even during crunch situations of Tutorials and Exams, a single look of the campus was making me forget the rest of the world and every time my heart used to coerce my intellect to let the cool zephyr and the milieu of it do the talking. However; when the time came inch closer to vacate the campus, a thought of leaving the very heaven really made me paranoid. And to add insult to injury, I was told by my friends - “The place where we will be posting is a Jungle, where only a flock of “hermit” lives”. Yes… That’s true; I am talking about the vicinity of “Hyd – SEZ” campus only. And to make matters worse for me, they were continuously reverberating despicable things of the colony where we thought to stay (To be precise, still staying) and that is –“Singapore Township”. However, with the load of agony of losing the sensuous touch of the campus, I prepared myself for the worst situation and got on the train.
The journey from Mysore to Secunderabad was, in fact, not that good. Rather, it missed of becoming one of my worst expeditions due to a company of friends bestowed by the Mysore campus. Still, the thought of missing quietude presented by the Mysore campus had totally circumvented my thoughts. I was so much moved by the place that to make myself lighter during my journey, I had to see the pictures of campus, which I took (may be unknowingly for the same occasion) during my stay. When I reached Secunderabad station, my anxiety or rather my fear to see the Hyd – SEZ campus or (to be frank) Singapore Township, reached to its zenith. To be quite honest, I prepared myself for the first thing I had to do after stepping into the new campus was not to ask for the good project, but to beg earnestly to the BOSS to at least post me at a place where human beings stay and not the horde of pessimistic animals.

But, I was so wrong. As the time went by, along with the dwindling of thoughts related to Mysore campus, the ambiance of the Township really created a whole new different world for me. With the passage of time, my inquisition about posting to other location also started to fade away. With every rolling of a second, unknowingly I fell in love with it. And, it grew a bit stronger than before with each moment. The thing is - I could have accepted the disgusting myths about the Township, but when I came to know that it wasn't only me, but many more, including my friends felt in that way, it really made me contemplate about the myths of the very place. To be frank, the bond between me and my new acquaintance started to hold a grip during my “BENCH” period. Now, I wasn't complaining about “No work” thing, may be because of the comfort provided by the Eco friendly nature of the Township (along with that provided by the Hyd - SEZ campus).
However, I was still receiving the implicit talk about the myths of the Township. To prove the irony, I thought to go to the other side of the city and to verify whether they are true or not. Eagerly, my friends and I packed our bags to see the other side of the city calling the process "Going to meet a friend in STP” on Saturday and Sunday. In fact, for a few weeks, we were also coerced to believe in same myths. And to be quite honest, we believed in it due to the whereabouts like GVK, City Center, etc. But as the time rolled by, in just next few Saturdays and Sundays, we started to realize that this beauty of the other side had been just ephemeral. We realized that these places were missing something, but didn't know the fact. But, when we returned back to the place where we belonged, we deciphered the missing “Piece of code” or rather “Peace of life” in just a few hours. We came to know that those places were having so much populace and so many idiots surrounded to you that it was becoming horrendously cumbersome for us to inhale a fresh breath; maybe the other parameter of pollution stifling the process of breathing; I wasn't sure though. But, yes. I was sure about one thing and that was we were desperately missing the all time calmness and relief that the Township used to solely provide us. We were quite habituated to the swirl of a cool breeze which used to make us forget about the mundane work of the office and to have a sleep in peace at night. In fact, the gift procured by this sumptuous beauty isn't limited to its ambiance. Township made one big thing possible and that is to have friends in colleagues. It is completely a different experience when you are taking a tea at “Super Market” with them and stalking the other fresh beauties - so many pretty girls disposed from Mysore campus only. The anxiety granted by the Township now reached to a place where I thought - “It is a dream place for a bachelor to have rave parties on Fridays and to have a soothing peace on weekends which completely makes you forget the bad things of the past week”.

Now, even after staying for over 3 years in this precinct, I find myself novice to the place whenever I come from office or other overcrowded territory; maybe the soft blows of air received each time coerce me to think in this way. Quite contrary to my initial ideology, now it doesn't matter to me whether the place where I am living now is totally secluded from the rest of the world or not. For the matter of fact, being an introvert, I always dream about such a place where a stream of cool zephyr flows continuously which rejuvenates me every time. Yes, the place has its disadvantage, but which thing in the world doesn't have flaws associated with it. The thing is - when you try to gauge the weights of the Pros and the Cons of the place; you will definitely find the Pros quite heavier than the Cons. Ultimately, what matters is the solace and Singapore Township is definitely a place having a caliber to provide it. You just need to have a perception to see it and a big heart to willingly take it.

                                                     -- THE END --