Few days back, I had a very eerie dream about been finding myself in a place where I thought I would never wish to land up in my lifetime. Today also, the haunt of the dream is paralyzing my thinking tank. I am trying my level best to keep myself at a very distant from it, but it is still not letting me to get over with its torment. The affliction received via dream was not actually exhaled by the place but by the milieu circumventing it. Since the time I came to this place and till this very moment, I never questioned the place as I thought there is no such thing of affection one would receive at such whereabouts and I never kept my expectations sticking to it. I came here with a single thought gluing to my mind that “Keep whatever you have with yourself; since the place is already occupied with so many impostors that you will never realize that when and who has usurped your aspired bounty”. Initially I thought being an introvert, I would never feel an empathy as there wouldn't be anyone with whom I would build a camaraderie in a short span of time”. But, I was so wrong. As the time melted away, it really made me contemplate again about my initial ideology regarding the place and its people.

Yes. The place has its name. In fact a very beautiful one. It’s called the “Bhool Bhulaiya”.No; please don’t get confused with its pseudo name. It’s not the one that we used to hear all about in our childhood. It’s the place where only impersonators stay – The ones who are having very deceptive thinking. But; this place… There was something different about it. Like a coin, it also had two sides with one side just like the mirror images of places like such; but there was something uncanny about the other side. Knowingly or unknowingly, it had some aliens' way different than those from the former side. There was something cool stuff about them. They brought with them some very contagious things like - a smile, happiness, a carefree attitude, etc. There persona to think about the life was way different than the others including me. As the time rolled by, I thought I wasn't myself. There was a total transformation in me from being introvert to an extrovert. Virtually every night I used to have parties at someone’s room from among these aliens only to get a hangover and use abusive language against the BOSS to make ourselves a little lighter after getting tired of the mundane work of the place. I was sweetly flowing through their endemic viral. The contagion spread by them had totally engulfed me. Now, they were not aliens’ to me; not any more. But,….

 The place has one stereotype attached to it - Whatever or whoever arrives at it, just get the work done; be with it and don’t have a sympathy about anyone and even if someone is getting his/her above mentioned aspired bounty, just brag about it in a way like the "BOSS" of the place moved heaven and earth to make it happen for the aspirant. The level of hoax set by these bosses is so high that the aspirant never sees the real facet. The disgusting thing about them is that for getting the work done, they even cross the boundary of dignity and make the aspirant feel that the "BOSS" is really caring and that is why he is giving a “LADDU”. And once the work is done, they would stealthily take it back without letting the aspirant to have a single bite of it. In fact, I don’t blame the aspirant as he is looking for the bright future, which he/she can think to achieve by having it. But, this place… It has these bosses who never ever think about future of others. They wouldn't even hesitate to switch off every light that can sprinkle a share of light on the aspirant’s future. But, in spite of this and even being wary of the deceptive plots set by these bosses, I was more than a bit happy despite having a hell lot of work associated with the place. Then what made me to get disparaged? What made me to get the weird dream? What made me swallow the haunt shown by the dream which is still not showing any signs of evading away?

 The thing is… Every person in this word has his desire, even aliens (but, not anymore) do. The questions like - What if the “LADDU” is not willingly given? And what if it is having the other deceptive motive behind it? Questions like these shouldn't smother our future. The exigency to move on makes everyone to pursue his desire and have to leave whereabouts like this. After having such awesome days with them, it started to phase out in sparks where every individual of the happy bunch of group started leaving the place in a quest of fulfilling their  aspiration. They were surely the catalyst to make me extrovert from introvert and now again from extrovert to introvert. I started to feel something different again, not just the way I was transformed into. Yes, the pressure exerted by the "BOSS" is just like the way I used to have but this time I am truly lacking the patience and stamina which has started to fade away with their exits. This was the same haunt that appeared in my dream of loosing so many friends found at an unexpected place on a frequent basis and the fear that I may receive one more exit among the left colleagues at any second.

 I really don’t know for how many days this haunt will stalk me in my dream and for how many days it will make my life more miserable than the way it is now. But, two things that I know are:

1) For to be in places like such, one needs to have a good companionship and an amiable environment (which rarely exists at such places) to sail through the laborious period.

2) No other thing can decide your own fate but your yearn, will, perseverance and the efforts taken to make it materialize; In fact, not even a “LADDU” though it is willingly donated and well received.


          Two words "PLACE" and "LADDU" have been used very often in the article but didn't convey their intrinsic meaning. This is just to keep the respect of the cult of confidentiality.

-- THE END --