Narendra Modi, mainly seen as the future P.M. of India, is no doubt the iconic figure in India nowadays. But, what makes him different from the rest of the contestants (either of his own party or from the opponent’s squad) is the way he maneuvers his limited resources (unlike the support ,opponent has in its team in the form of long running dynasty) in a very skilled manner with no harms done to his ethics and probity. Every time he plays his card, the heir of the opponent gets paranoid and flabbergasts which makes the opponent to make a move which completely spoils the party for it. This is the personality we are talking about without whom B.J.P. thought to be dwindling in the dark and the opponent was getting so complacent and overwhelmed that it thought to smother each and every other opponent with its ill will. But hero rises only in the imbroglio. He can single-handedly break the opponent’s reverie with his own charisma and conjuring. Narendra Modi is really the man with a mission to save the drowning nation under the pressure of deception, ill will, show off, perjury, etc.

Before NaMo there were so many eminent politicians the country had seen, but their incumbency seemed ephemeral. They had their maps plotted towards an emerging India but got befuddle in the labyrinth of corruption, bribery, violence, exploitation, disparity, etc. It’s a pro facto that each maestro has to go through lots of condemnation to prove his bravado. The same scenario applied to NaMo as well when he was immensely censured for his alleged role, indecisiveness and lack of administrative skills in the “GODHRA” riots which gave a new direction to the incessant disparity between two major castes: Hindu and Muslim. Though he will be lampooned throughout his life for this incident which massacred nearly 1000 Hindus + Muslims, there are many bright things to talk about. First and the most important is the way he has turned the state Gujarat from the time he took the command (became the C.M. of Gujarat) till this very moment. All the former C.M.s of Gujarat tried their best to turn it into the state which could represent the country in one way or other. But, who knows better than Narendra Modi, a used to be tea stall runner, how to be a catalyst and to turn a facile thing into a precious one. The result of which is in front of us where everyone now sees Gujarat as an industrial hot spot and attracts many FDIs & FIIs to invest in it. This global representation which NaMo has given to Gujarat is really praiseworthy. People of Gujarat still put their fidelity on his name because of which he shares the status of any C.M. (with Madhav Solanki) who had ever run the very state for such a long time.

When India seized the ever wished freedom from the hands of British Empire, it was thought to bring the needed renaissance amongst the poor people of India. The unforgettable pain that it had given to us throughout these 150 yrs of slavery even today brings goose bumps and makes us to cry. But, the premonition that this big turnover carried with it was really perplexing. Still today, it is making us to suffer through its repercussions. When CONGRESS party came into existence and became the representative of the country, it was thought that this government would bring a promising august in India. However, no one thought that this would be the party that would destroy the own country internally. This was just a start of an era for the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty which is still playing ‘hide and seek’ with the future of India. And no one other than the highly dominated illiterate people of India has given it such a legacy. Every now and then this ruling party places a labyrinth and every time these poor people get trapped in it. There were so many maestros those tried their best to bring them out of this well planted hoax created by greedy politicians. But, every time they tried, it got futile due to lack of public support, power dominance, bribery, etc.

The rising Sun Mr. NaMo can be a blessing in disguise for India under such circumstances. He was and is still criticized every now and then for taking 10 yrs to mere changing the shape of one state and the imaginative time would be taken by him if given the power to reflect the same in totality for India. But, common people should understand that to elicit such possibility is not a child’s play considering the vast chaos created by these culprits masquerade as patriots. They should acknowledge the fact that the way Gujarat looks now is far better than it was way earlier. He must be the juggernaut who tried his level best to make the justice served to the people of Gujarat. In fact, the period in which he did this was more difficult than it was way earlier. Initially, it was only the British who were causing problem to the Indian people. However, during NaMo’s struggle to sunrise it was not only outsiders but our own people tried to do the harm for which he should and must be praised for showing his perseverance and heed.

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